I'd like to perform the following operation more quickly.
Logic: I have a vector big
of 4 elements 1, 2, 3, 4
. I also have a same-length vector of thresholds 1.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1
. I want for each element to find the index of the first next element to be above the corresponding threshold. In this case my expected output is
2, 3, NA, NA
Base implementation
start <- Sys.time()
bigg <- rnorm(25000)
thresh <- bigg+0.5
result <- rep(NA, length(bigg))
for(i in 1:length(bigg)) {
result[i] <- which(bigg[(i+1):length(bigg)]>thresh[i])[1] # the first next element that is higher than thresh
if(i%%1000==0) print(paste0(i, " ", round(i/length(bigg),3)))
end <- Sys.time()
Basically, taking the first element of the vector x after the current one that satisfies a threshold condition.
I tried using Rcpp
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int cppnextup_(NumericVector x, double thresh, bool is_up = true) {
int n = x.size();
//int idx = 0;
int res = -1;
for(int idx = 0; idx < n; ++idx) {
if(x[idx]>thresh && is_up == true) {
res = idx;
//Rcout << "The value of idx : " << idx <<" "<< x[idx]<<"\n";
if(x[idx]<thresh && is_up == false) {
res = idx;
//Rcout << "The value of idx : " << idx <<" "<< x[idx]<<"\n";
return res;
# base --------------------------------------------------------------------
base_ <- function() {
for(i in 1:length(bigg)) {
result[i] <- which(bigg[(i+1):length(bigg)]>thresh[i])[1] # the first next element that is higher than thresh
if(i%%1000==0) print(paste0(i, " ", round(i/length(bigg),3)))
# cpp ----------------------------------------------------------------
result_cpp <- rep(NA, length(bigg))
cpp_ <- function() {
for(i in 1:length(bigg)) {
result_cpp[i] <- cppnextup_(bigg[(i+1):length(bigg)], thresh[i]) # the first next element that is higher than thresh
if(i%%1000==0) print(paste0(i, " ", round(i/length(bigg),3)))
#result_cpp <- ifelse(result_cpp==-1, NA, result_cpp)
#result_cpp <- result_cpp+1
#all.equal(result, result_cpp)
#[1] TRUE
# benchmark ---------------------------------------------------------------
cpp_(), times=3)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
base_() 2023.510 2030.3154 2078.7867 2037.1211 2106.4252 2175.7293 3
cpp_() 661.277 665.3456 718.8851 669.4141 747.6891 825.9641 3
My Rcpp
implementation reduces base time by 65%, is there a better (vectorized) way? Looking for any backend, be it Rcpp
, data.table
, dtplyr
My dtplyr
attempt yields all NA
nx <- length(bigg)
df <- tibble(bigg, thresh)
bigg %>% lazy_dt() %>% mutate(res = which(bigg[row_number():nx]>thresh)[1])
Warning message:
In seq_len(.N):..nx :
numerical expression has 25000 elements: only the first used
Btw, my real vector has 8,406,600 elements.
EDIT: vectorized Rcpp
I also have another, faster Rcpp
function which relies on the first one:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cppnextup(NumericVector x, double threshup, bool is_up = true) {
int n = x.size();
NumericVector up(n);
if(is_up == true) {
up = x + threshup;
} else {
up = x - threshup;
// Rcout << "The value of up : " << up[0] <<" "<< up[1] <<"\n";
NumericVector result(n);
int idx = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
double thisup = up[idx];
NumericVector thisvect = x[Rcpp::Range((idx), (n-1))];
//Rcout <<idx<< " " << "thisvect : " << thisvect[0] <<" thisup: "<< thisup <<" buy " << buy << "\n";
int resi = cppnextup_(thisvect, thisup, is_up = is_up);
if(resi != 0) {
result[idx] = resi+1;
} else {
result[idx] = resi;
//Rcout << "RESI: " << resi <<" "<< up[1] <<"\n";
idx = idx + 1;
return result;
As you can see it is faster than the previous two:
# cpp_vectorized ----------------------------------------------------------
cpp_vect <- function(bigg) {
res_cppvect <- cppnextup(bigg, 0.5)
# benchmark ---------------------------------------------------------------
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
base_() 2014.7211 2016.8679 2068.9869 2019.0146 2096.1198 2173.2250 3
cpp_() 663.0874 666.1540 718.5863 669.2207 746.3357 823.4507 3
cpp_vect() 214.1745 221.2103 223.9532 228.2460 228.8426 229.4392 3
BUT when I pass a larger vector in argument, it freezes and never returns a result.
res <- cpp_vect(bigg=rnorm(1000000)) # freezes
Any help welcome.
A data.table
non-equi join with mult = "first"
works well. It won't be as fast as an optimized Rcpp
function, though.
bigg <- rnorm(25000)
thresh <- bigg+0.5
f1 <- function(bigg, thresh) {
result <- rep(NA, length(bigg))
for(i in 1:length(bigg)) {
result[i] <- which(bigg[(i+1):length(bigg)]>thresh[i])[1] # the first next element that is higher than thresh
f2 <- function(bigg, thresh) {
val = bigg,
r = seq_along(bigg)
val = thresh,
r = seq_along(thresh)
on = .(val > val, r > r),
.(result = x.r - i.r),
mult = "first"
microbenchmark::microbenchmark(f1 = f1(bigg, thresh),
f2 = f2(bigg, thresh),
times = 10,
check = "identical")
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> f1 2167.139 2199.801 2217.6945 2222.4937 2233.254 2250.1693 10
#> f2 605.999 610.576 612.0431 611.1439 614.195 618.6248 10
bigg <- rnorm(1e6)
thresh <- bigg+0.5
system.time(f2(bigg, thresh))
#> user system elapsed
#> 375.71 0.15 375.81