I'm trying to convert a list comma separated IP values (,,, xxxx,xxxx) to a key value json so that at the end of all I can have a file with the structure below.
"ips": [
"ip": ""
"ip": "192.*.*.*"
"ip": ""
I was trying to user the command ConvertTo-Json command form powershell but really don't manage how to get it.
Home anyone can give me a hand and guide me how to handle this issue
Thanks you very much
Create objects or hashtables with the same contents and structure as your desired JSON, then pipe to ConvertTo-Json
'ips' = @(
@{ "ip" = "" },
@{ "ip" = "192.*.*.*" },
@{ "ip" = "" },
} |ConvertTo-Json |Set-Content path\to\output.json
Now you just need to generate the inner hashtables from a list instead of hardcoding them:
$listOfIPs = ',192.*.*.*,' -split ','
'ips' = @(
$listOfIPs |ForEach-Object { @{ "ip" = $_ } }
} |ConvertTo-Json |Set-Content path\to\output.json