
Upload image to Graphql server using apollo kotlin

I need to upload image to my Graphql server from android application. The details in the documentation is not working. I need an example.


  • Came up with the solution. 1st I needed to create an upload scalar type. in Fragment class:

                    ) ?: return
                    val file = File(
                        requireContext().cacheDir, requireContext().contentResolver.getFileName(
                    val body = UploadRequestBody(file, "image")
                    val upload = DefaultUpload.Builder()

    In case what the UploadRequestBody class does:

    class UploadRequestBody(
      private val file: File,
      private val contentType: String
    ) : RequestBody() {
    override fun contentType() = "$contentType/*".toMediaTypeOrNull()
    override fun contentLength() = file.length()
    override fun writeTo(sink: BufferedSink) {
        val length = file.length()
        val buffer = ByteArray(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
        val fileInputStream = FileInputStream(file)
        var uploaded = 0L
        fileInputStream.use { inputStream ->
            var read: Int
            while ( { read = it } != -1) {
                uploaded += read
                sink.write(buffer, 0, read)
      companion object {
          private const val DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048