
opencart how to addEvent Journal3?

work fine in default opencart checkout example..

  1. $this->model_setting_event->addEvent('custom_name', 'catalog/view/theme/default/template/checkout/payment_method/after', 'event_function');
  2. $this->model_setting_event->addEvent('custom_name', 'catalog/controller/checkout/payment_method/save/after', 'event_function');
  3. $this->model_setting_event->addEvent('custom_name', 'catalog/model/checkout/order/addOrder/before', 'event_function');

how can i make it work with journal3 one checkout page?



  • There are 2 approaches, you can choose either one to implement based on which approach is more applicable to your situation:

    1. Replace the view file before rendering the output
    2. Modify the html through the output

    I assuming you already know how to register an event, following example just demonstrate how to implement the approach. Leave me a comment to let me know if you not sure how to register an event.

    1. Replace the view file before rendering the output

    Create an event script: catalog/controller/event/my_event.php

    /* before */
    public function beforeLoadCheckoutView(&$route, &$args) {
            if the view route is 'journal3/checkout/checkout',
            aka: 'catalog/view/theme/journal3/template/journal3/checkout/checkout.twig'
        if ($route == 'journal3/checkout/checkout') {
                replace the view file 'journal3/checkout/checkout' with your own view file
                aka: 'catalog/view/theme/journal3/template/journal3/checkout/my_checkout_page.twig'
            $route = str_replace('journal3/checkout/checkout', 'journal3/checkout/my_checkout_page', $route);

    Create your own checkout page view: catalog/view/theme/journal3/template/journal3/checkout/my_checkout_page.twig

        I have replace the original view with this!


    enter image description here

    2. Modify the html through the output

    Create an event script: catalog/controller/event/my_event.php

    /* after */
    public function modifyCheckoutPageHtml($route, &$args, &$output) {
            if the view route is 'journal3/checkout/checkout',
            aka: 'catalog/view/theme/journal3/template/journal3/checkout/checkout.twig'
        if ($route == 'journal3/checkout/checkout') {
            /* replace the title with your own title */
            $output = str_replace('<h1 class="title page-title">Quick Checkout</h1>', '<h1 class="title page-title">I have changed this title!</h1>', $output);


    enter image description here