
How to do Select from a dynamic variable inside a store proc in sybaseASE

I am writing a stored procedure that will get some tablename as a parameter and it will do

"select @TableName from @TableName"

But Sybase ASE SQL is not allowing me to do that. I am getting this message

Cannot select from or insert/update variable '@TableName' because it is not a table variable.

Here is my stored procedure:

    @TableName VARCHAR(40)
    CREATE TABLE #Results (TableName nvarchar(370))

    INSERT INTO #Results 
        SELECT @TableName FROM @TableName 

    SELECT * FROM #Results

EXEC Test_result 'sometablename'

This will simulate my actual problem. I want to insert a tablename into a Results table if it match some condition(I haven't mention that here because I don't want to confuse you).

Note: I want to do a quick select query from a TableName which I passed to the stored procedure. I don't want to create again the table structure because that stored procedure may get another tablename whose table DDL is different

Could anyone provide some alternative or any solution on it ?


  • Sorry for delay in response. I have found myself a workaround for that which I would like to share.

    INSERT INTO #Results select @TableName from @TableName 

    To make this working, use a variable to store this query and execute using EXEC statement in sybase.

    The workaround will be,

        SET @sqlquery='INSERT INTO #Results select @TableName from @TableName '

    This solved my problem as @tablename variable we can't directly used to replace the value of a table.