I found a solution for just one term here.
How can we formulate constraints of the form
|x1- a1| +|x2-a2| + .... + |xn - an| >= K
in Mixed Integer Linear Programming ?
Let's write this as:
sum(i, |x[i]-a[i]|) >= K
This is non-convex and needs special treatment. Sorry: this is not very simple.
One way to model this is:
x[i] - a[i] = zplus[i] - zmin[i]
sum(i, zplus[i] + zmin[i]) >= K
zplus[i] <= δ[i]*M[i]
zmin[i] <= (1-δ[i])*M[i]
zmin[i],zplus[i] >= 0
δ[i] ∈ {0,1}
Here M[i] are large enough constants. This needs some thought to find good values. Basically we want: M[i]=max(|x[i] - a[i]|)
Alternative formulations are possible using indicator constraints and SOS1 variables. Some modeling tools and solvers have direct support for absolute values.