I have applied to publish an editor add-on on the Google workspace marketplace.
I have applied to publish an editor add-on on the Google workspace marketplace, but it has been rejected for the following reasons
Menu - Menu options not shown after App is installed. Please ensure that the add-on correctly uses onInstall() and onOpen() to populate its menu. The menu items populate when the add-on is first installed and when a different file is opened. See Editor add-on authorization.
In the test of the editor add-on in my environment, the menu is displayed without any problem.
Here is the code. *The contents of unrelated functions are omitted.
function GlobalVar(userLocale){
if(userLocale === null) userLocale = 'ja';
return {
TITLE: (userLocale == 'ja') ? 'こぴぺ' : 'Copipe', //アドオンのタイトル
VERSION: '1.1.2', //アプリのバージョン
function onInstall(e){
function onOpen(e){
var menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createAddonMenu();
var userLocale = Session.getActiveUserLocale(); //ユーザーが使用している言語判定
if(userLocale != 'ja') userLocale = 'en'; //日本語以外の場合は英語表記にする
var itemInfo = {
Item1 : {func:'display_sidebar', ja: '操作パネル表示', en: 'Show Sidebar'},
Item2 : {func:'dispVersion', ja: 'バージョン情報',en: 'about version'}
menu.addToUi(); //メニューを追加
function askEnabled(){
let userLocale = Session.getActiveUserLocale();
let title = GlobalVar(userLocale).TITLE;
let msg = userLocale === 'ja' ? "スクリプトが有効になりました\nもう一度メニュー画面を開いてサイドバーを表示させてください" : "The script has been enabled.\nOpen the menu screen again to display the sidebar.";
let ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.alert(title, msg, ui.ButtonSet.OK);
function display_sidebar(){
let userLocale = Session.getActiveUserLocale(); //ユーザーが使用している言語判定
let SidebarHTML = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('sidebar');
SidebarHTML.LANGUAGE = userLocale; //サイドバーに言語情報を送る
let Sidebar = SidebarHTML.evaluate().setTitle(GlobalVar(userLocale).TITLE);
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showSidebar(Sidebar); //サイドバーを表示
function dispVersion(){
let userLocale = Session.getActiveUserLocale(); //ユーザーが使用している言語判定
Browser.msgBox(GlobalVar(userLocale).TITLE + " Version",'Version: ' +GlobalVar(userLocale).VERSION, Browser.Buttons.OK);
function toolTask(TASK_ORDER){
return toolTaskRun().start(TASK_ORDER);
function toolTaskRun() {
return {
SPRED: null,
SHEET: null,
JOB: null,
INFO: null,
TAG_NAME: '_copipe_',
init: function(){
this.SPRED = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
this.SHEET = this.SPRED.getActiveSheet();
start: function(TASK_ORDER){
copy: function(){
paste: function(TAISHO){
moveRows: function(){
moveColumns: function(){
zettai: function(MODE){
Apart from this, I load my own libraries.
The manifesto is below.
"timeZone": "Asia/Tokyo",
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8",
"dependencies": {
"libraries": [
"userSymbol": "SetNamedRange",
"version": "0",
"libraryId": "1M0tYhnFHYkxl0IXsDju8NWTvWHZWBY8H4-Z7eFOIKyi26p-Ymmtu7C7r",
"developmentMode": true
"oauthScopes": [
I have no idea what to change. Can someone please tell me what to do?