
the onDismissed property makes my ListView crash when a method is called

I got a red error screen when I get to the view of my ListView. It looks like the problem comes from the "onDismissed" property.

Below is my ListView code and the i'll also include the "deleteRival" method that is called during the onDismissed

                                        shrinkWrap: true,
                                        children: snapshot.data!.map((rival){
                                          return Center(
                                            child: Card(
                                              child: Material(
                                                elevation: 10.0,
                                                child: Dismissible(
                                                  direction: DismissDirection.endToStart,
                                                  key: ObjectKey(rival),
                                                  onDismissed: deleteRival(rival.idRival), // <------- THE PROBLEM IS HERE
                                                  background: buildSwipeActionRight(),
                                                  child: ListTile(
                                                    tileColor: Colors.lightBlue,
                                                    title: Text(
                                                      textAlign: TextAlign.center,
                                                      style: const  TextStyle(color: Colors.white),

This is my "deleteRival" method:

deleteRival(rivalId) async{
  final statAccess = DatabaseModel();
  await statAccess.deleteRival(rivalId).then((value){
    if (value == 1){
      alertDialog("Suppression réussie", true);
      alertDialog("Suppresion échouée", false);



The crash I have


  • The type of method deleteRival is Future<dynamic> Function(dynamic) and the expected method type by the onDismissed is void Function(DismissDirection)?, this is why you get this error.

    Just replace onDismissed: deleteRival(rival.idRival), with onDismissed: (_) => deleteRival(rival.idRival),