I want to render a list (or array) of objects but that rendering would be based on some boolean condition. What is the most optimized way to approach this:
const list: object[] = [....] // Coming from somewhere else
const (renderList, setRenderList): object[] = [] // List that will be rendered
// option1
useEffect(() => {
setRenderList(list.filter(...)); // On every change in list, filter the rendered list based on the condition
renderList.map((el) =><RenderThis />);
// option2
// no use of renderList
// filter each element of renderList and conditionally render it
list.map((el) => {
if(el.something === condition) && <Render />
You definitely don't need useEffect
If the boolean condition is cheap then go with option 2:
list.map((item) => checkCondition(item) && <Item ... />)
Otherwise use useMemo
const filteredList = useMemo(() => list.filter(checkCondition), [list]));
If list
hasn't changed react will use the previous value.