
Firebase storage access rules have private cache control

I'm trying to add a Cloud CDN to my firebase storage bucket and I'm running into issues with the images being served by my bucket having a cache-control.

I have the following very broad firebase rule:

rules_version = '2';
service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read: if true;

Which I expect would allow all objects in my firebase bucket to be visible. My bucket is located at gs:// I have a file which exists at /user-videos/test1.png.

I've set up a Cloud CDN to point to this bucket with the following details:

enter image description here

Note that the CDN is set up to cache static content.

My load balancer seems to be functioning well:

enter image description here

and my load balancer has the following IP addresses:

enter image description here

I expect that visiting would result in the image being correctly loaded but instead I see that access is denied:

enter image description here

However, I find that if I manually edit the file permissions in Google Cloud Storage to have public access

enter image description here

then the image loads from the load balancer as expected (note the URL is the same as an earlier screenshot):

enter image description here

Interestingly, if I load the file from the firebase URL at and inspect the network response I see that the cache-control header has a value of private

enter image description here

How can I use Firebase Storage rules to make content in a specified folder publicly accessible such that it can be served by Cloud CDN?


  • The solution I found is to make two separate buckets - one for storing private objects and one for storing public objects. I then pointed my Cloud CDN load balancer to the bucket for public objects and marked that bucket as publicly accessible.

    Unfortunately, there's no way to mark specific objects as publicly accessible using the firebase storage rules system.

    But there is a way to use the command line to set the access control list

    It is at an object level

    I ran

    gsutil acl ch -r -u AllUsers:R gs://

    and this updated all the objects but you could run it for only some of the objects.