(if you don't need all details, please see short explanation below...) What I want to do: I'm currently trying to convert a bunch of coordinates from epsg:4326 to epsg: 25832. The conversion part works perfectly fine and I was able to save my array to excel with the help of pandas. Problem: I am now trying to add the old coordinates to the array for reference but I can't seem to get a clean output that I can save. My Code:
import pyproj as pp
import numpy as np
import os
print('Whats the name of the file you are trying to convert (e.g. "coordinates.xlsx")?')
xlsx_file_name = "Mappe1.xlsx" #input()
import_arr = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), xlsx_file_name), sheet_name='Tabelle1')
print(f'Were not able to find a file named {xlsx_file_name}. Please restart and make sure it is written correctly.')
lat_long_arr = np.array(import_arr)
print(f'Were not able to import the data from {xlsx_file_name}. Please make sure it is formated properly.')
xy_arr = []
#epsg:4326 to epsg:25832
epsg = pp.Transformer.from_crs(4326, 25832)
#THIS IS THE PART I STRUGGLE WITH-----------------------------
for i in range(len(lat_long_arr)):
xy_arr.extend([epsg.transform(lat_long_arr[i,0], lat_long_arr[i,1]), lat_long_arr[i,0], lat_long_arr[i,1]])
print('The file "converted_coordinates.xlsx" is already existing and could not be overwritten')
My Otput: [(562146.0879263151, 5407897.591536528), 48.82095040000001, 9.8466309, (562228.5649670326, 5407950.483323202), 48.8214179, 9.8477624, ...]
Those are two pairs of coordinates. The first ones in the brakets are converted and the two numbers after them are the refference. Question: Does someone know how I can get rid of the brakets or put the other values inside the brakets? Keep in mind that I need the array to be saved with pd.DataFrame(xy_arr).to_excel('converted_coordinates.xlsx')
Thanks for any suggestions!
Short Version:
I extend an array like this: array.extend([epsg.transform(x, y), lat, long])
and get an output e.g. like this [(562146.0879263151, 5407897.591536528), 48.82095040000001, 9.8466309]
. I now need the array formated in a way to save it with pandas: pd.DataFrame(array).to_excel('save.xlsx')
We can simplify your code using vectorized numpy
operations, eliminating the for-loop.
Let's use your provided two sets of coordinates in the lat_long_arr
import numpy as np
import pyproj as pp
lat_long_arr = np.array([[48.82095040000001, 9.8466309], [48.8214179, 9.8477624]])
# array([[48.8209504, 9.8466309],
# [48.8214179, 9.8477624]])
Now, we can pass the entire columns of the array to the epsg.transform()
method, as it accepts arrays, not just scalars:
converted_arr = epsg.transform(lag_long_arr[:, 0], lag_long_arr[:, 1])
# (array([562146.08792632, 562228.56496703]),
# array([5407897.59153653, 5407950.4833232 ]))
The result is a tuple of arrays, and we just need to manipulate it to get it into the right format:
# array([[ 562146.08792632, 5407897.59153653],
# [ 562228.56496703, 5407950.4833232 ]])
We can join the resulting array with the original array and pass the resulting 4-column array to the pd.DataFrame()
constructor. You can use pandas
options to display float values to the desired precision:
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.8f' % x)
res = pd.DataFrame(
np.hstack((np.vstack(converted_arr).T, lat_long_arr)),
columns=['converted_x', 'converted_y', 'x', 'y']
# converted_x converted_y x y
# 0 562146.08792632 5407897.59153653 48.82095040 9.84663090
# 1 562228.56496703 5407950.48332320 48.82141790 9.84776240