I've been a fan of ExpressJs for a long time but in a Youtube video I stumble upon Fastify and wanted to give it a try
I'm struggling in making the fastify-swagger plugin work as I assume it should work - dynamic setup to pick up the schema from each route, but I'm certainly missing something 😔
here's my test repo that after running, none of my routes appear
my setup for the plugin is the default one
but all I see is
I've read in the read me that because of OpenAPI specs, some properties, like description
are mandatory or will not pick up the route, but I've added in one route, and still does not pick up, I've also added tags
wondering if that was also mandatory, but nothing...
does anyone know what am I missing? must be a simple thing, but got me puzzled this last few days 😔
I ran into the same issue and ended up solving it by following the first Usage example line-by-line: https://github.com/fastify/fastify-swagger#usage
const fastify = require('fastify')()
(async () => {
// set up swagger
await fastify.register(require('@fastify/swagger'), {
...swagger config
// define all your routes
// then call these
await fastify.ready()