I build GraphServiceClient
final ClientSecretCredential clientSecretCredential = new ClientSecretCredentialBuilder()
final TokenCredentialAuthProvider tokenCredAuthProvider =
new TokenCredentialAuthProvider(List.of("https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"), clientSecretCredential);
final GraphServiceClient graphClient = GraphServiceClient
and I try to find a file
but receive 403 HTTP status, is it a problem in scope or file permissions?
UDP: I also try with
DriveItemSearchCollectionPage search = graphClient
.search(DriveItemSearchParameterSet.newBuilder() .withQ("File_Name").build())
Error message: Access denied
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drive/root/microsoft.graph.search(q='File_Name')
SdkVersion : graph-java/v5.31.0
403 : Forbidden
Need to add the scope "Sites.Read.All" before the update I had "User.Read.All" and "Files.Read.All"