How do I get a logical AND between polar-series to work ..
With scalar it does ?!
My understanding is that ".and" will yield a boolean mask of element-wise AND of two series.
use polars::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let test_arr = [3, 5];
let weekday = Series::new("weekday", test_arr);
println!("{}", weekday);
let a = weekday.gt_eq(0); // true / true
let b = weekday.not_equal(5); // true / false
let c = weekday.not_equal(4); // true / true
// println!("{:?}{:?}{:?}", a, b, c);
// so far everything works
let a_b_comp = a.and(b); // ==> true / false
println!("A/B test:\t{:?}", a_b_comp); // ==> true / false
// after another AND ... it give me the wrong answer wy ?
let a_b_c_comp = a_b_comp.and(c); // ==> true / true
println!("A/B/C test:\t{:?}", a_b_c_comp); // ==> true / true
let weekday = 5;
let logical_test = (weekday >= 0) & (weekday != 5) & (weekday != 4);
println!("w Scalars:\t{:?}", logical_test);
This is the code with the last suggestion from @Bamontan:
use polars::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let test_arr = [3, 5];
let weekday = Series::new("weekday", test_arr);
println!("{}", weekday);
let a = weekday.gt_eq(0).unwrap(); // true / true
let b = weekday.not_equal(5).unwrap(); // true / false
let c = weekday.not_equal(4).unwrap(); // true / true
// println!("{:?}{:?}{:?}", a, b, c);
// so far everything works
let a_b_comp = &a & &b; // ==> true / false
println!("\nA/B test:\t{:?}", a_b_comp); // ==> true / false
// working now with ".bitand"
let a_b_c_comp = a & b & c; // ==> true / false
println!("\nA/B/C test:\t{:?}", a_b_c_comp); // ==> true / false
let weekday = 5;
let logical_test = (weekday >= 0) & (weekday != 5) & (weekday != 4);
println!("\nw Scalars:\t{:?}", logical_test);