I am working on a program to organise all files in my downloads folder. For that I am trying to move every file in every subdirectory in my downloads folder to a new folder called "all files". What I don't understand is, that I can access the files in the subfolders (and print them for instance), but I cannot move them. I get the following error instead:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\My Username\Desktop\Desktop\Python\testing\147_file_organizer.py", line 33, in <module>
shutil.move(subfolder_path, dst_path)
File "D:\anaconda3\lib\shutil.py", line 801, in move
if _samefile(src, dst):
File "D:\anaconda3\lib\shutil.py", line 220, in _samefile
return os.path.samefile(src, dst)
File "D:\anaconda3\lib\genericpath.py", line 100, in samefile
s1 = os.stat(f1)
TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not list
Here is the code:
import os
import shutil
path = ('C:/Users/My Username/Downloads/')
obj = os.scandir(path)
for entry in obj:
dst_path = r'C:/Users/My Username/Downloads/all files/'
if entry.is_dir():
subfolder_path = os.listdir(path + entry.name)
for subfolder_file in subfolder_path:
shutil.move(subfolder_path, dst_path)
Thank you very much for your tips, help and suggestions of any kind!
I think this is caused by a simple typo. You are trying to perform a shutil.move
on subfolder_path
- a list of all files/dirs under the entry path instead of subfolder_file
- the files/dirs within the list you are iterating over within the for loop.
Additionally however, you probably want to be specifying a full path rather than just the base name of the files/dirs you are moving, which is what is returned by os.listdir
Instead you want:
for entry in obj:
dst_path = r'C:/Users/My Username/Downloads/all files/'
if entry.is_dir():
subfolder_path = os.listdir(path + entry.name)
for subfolder_file in subfolder_path:
shutil.move(os.path.join(entry.path, subfolder_file), dst_path)