
ServerXMLHTTP60 WebAPI authentication (special character: & - "commercial and")

i try to authenticate on a "private" web-api in MS-Access with ServerXMLHTTP60. It works fine until i try to use a the special character "&".

Here is the example:

Private m_xml_auth As MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60

Private Function do_connect() As Boolean
Dim json_obj As Object
Dim credential_str As String

If m_password = "" Then
    do_connect = False
    Exit Function
End If

credential_str = "grant_type=password&username=" & m_username & "&password=" _
                   & m_password & "&client_id=" & m_client_id & "&client_secret=" & m_client_secret & ""

m_xml_auth.Open bstrMethod:="POST", bstrURL:=m_auth_url, varAsync:=False
m_xml_auth.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Content-Type", bstrValue:="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
m_xml_auth.send (credential_str)

If m_xml_auth.Status <> 200 Then
    do_connect = False
    m_password = ""
    MsgBox "Error while authentication: " & m_xml_auth.responseText
    'Err.Raise Number:=M_ERR_API_RESPONSE, _
        'DESCRIPTION:="Authentication failed - response-status: " & m_xml_auth.Status
    Set json_obj = JsonConverter.ParseJson(m_xml_auth.responseText)
    m_bearer_token = "Bearer " & json_obj("access_token")

    Debug.Print m_bearer_token
    do_connect = True
End If
End Function

If there is a "&" in one of my variables -> for example in m_password the authentication fails. Is there a way to escape the special character "&" for "x-www-form-urlencoded" content-type?

Thanks, Mr. Dev


  • Run each String through this function:

    Public Function URLEncode( _
       ByVal StringVal As String, _
       Optional SpaceAsPlus As Boolean = False _
    ) As String
      Dim bytes() As Byte, b As Byte, i As Integer, space As String
      If SpaceAsPlus Then space = "+" Else space = "%20"
      If Len(StringVal) > 0 Then
        With New ADODB.Stream
          .Mode = adModeReadWrite
          .Type = adTypeText
          .Charset = "UTF-8"
          .WriteText StringVal
          .Position = 0
          .Type = adTypeBinary
          .Position = 3 ' skip BOM
          bytes = .Read
        End With
        ReDim result(UBound(bytes)) As String
        For i = UBound(bytes) To 0 Step -1
          b = bytes(i)
          Select Case b
            Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126
              result(i) = Chr(b)
            Case 32
              result(i) = space
            Case 0 To 15
              result(i) = "%0" & Hex(b)
            Case Else
              result(i) = "%" & Hex(b)
          End Select
        Next i
        URLEncode = Join(result, "")
      End If
    End Function