
SearchView shows Data.entity.Cantact.@85c7ce6 in Android Studio

In this project that I did, the search view works properly, but as you can see in the picture, the output is like this:

output: com.mahdi.roomdatabase.Data.entity.Cantact.@85c7ce6

what's wrong with this codes?

enter image


    Observer<DatabaseNew> observer = new Observer<DatabaseNew>() {
        public void onChanged(DatabaseNew databaseNew) {

            searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {
                public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
                    return true;

                public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
                    return true;

    mainModel.getLiveData().observe(this, observer);

private void getDatabasefromDb(String searchText) {
    searchText = "%" + searchText + "%";
    contacts=databaseNew.getDatabaseInfo(SearchActivity.this, searchText);

    arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(SearchActivity.this, android.R.layout.
            simple_list_item_1, contacts);

public List<Contact> getDatabaseInfo(Context context, String Query) {
    return getContactDAO(context).getContactList(Query);


  • what's wrong with this codes?

    The adapter is using the default toString method of the Cantact class.

    Consider the following.

    A class called School is :-

            indices = {
                    @Index(value = "schoolName", unique = true)
    class School {
        Long schoolId=null;
        String schoolName;
        School(String schoolName) {
            this.schoolName = schoolName;
        School(Long schoolId, String schoolName) {
            this.schoolId = schoolId;
            this.schoolName = schoolName;

    The the following code:-

    School school = new School("The School");
    Log.d("EXAMPLE","School if you use the default toString method is " + school + " Whilst getting the value (the name) is " + school.schoolName);

    results in :-

    D/EXAMPLE: School if you use the default toString method is a.a.so73431456javaroomcatchtryexample.School@f6edce8 Whilst getting the value (the name) is The School

    i.e. the School class's default toString method prints details about the instance of the School object.

    However, if the School class is changed to include :-

    public String toString() {
        return "ID=" + this.schoolId + "; SCHOOLNAME=" + this.schoolName;

    Then the result is

    D/EXAMPLE: School if you use the default toString method is ID=null; SCHOOLNAME=The School Whilst getting the value (the name) is The School

    You need to either

    1. pass the actual values, as strings, you want displayed to the adpater,
    2. use a customised adapter to extract the values that you want displayed,
    3. or override the Cantacts toString method to return the String that you want to be displayed.
      • noting that 3 is probably the least preferable, albeit the simplest.