How to Allow Only specific Decimal values in a text box in ASP.NET MVC

I have a textbox called UnitValue which should accept only 3 decimal values, that is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3.

I am using data annotations on "UnitValue" property in my model class to verify the values for integers as below for Eg,

Public int UnitHead {get;set;}

Public decimal UnitValue{get;set}
I wanted the similar way to happen for decimal property also. requesting your help on getting this validation done.

Thanks in advance


  • You can create your own custom validation something like this

        public class CustomDecimalValues:ValidationAttribute  
            public override bool IsValid(object value)  
                // write your own logic for validation
                var decPlaces = (int)(((decimal)value% 1) * 100); 
                return (0.1<= decPlaces &&  decPlaces <= 0.3);  

    then use in model like this

    [CustomDecimalValues(ErrorMessage = "Allowed decimal values are 0.1,0.2 and 0.3")]  
    Public decimal UnitValue{get;set} 

    Please find the complete example using link Custom Validation