I don't know how to change wstring value in struct . I don't know where is my error. do you help me ?
I can't understand why string value change success, wstring value change failed .
struct TestStruct{
string falg1;
wstring falg2;
TestStruct setFlag1(string str ) {
falg1 = str;
return *this;
TestStruct setFlag2(wstring str ) {
falg2 = str;
return *this;
int main(int argc,
char ** argv) {
TestStruct testStruct;
wcout << "string length:" << testStruct.falg1.size() << endl;
wcout << "Wstring content:" << '[' << testStruct.falg2 << ']' << endl;
wcout << "Wstring length:" << '[' << testStruct.falg2.size() << ']' << endl;
The output content is :
string length:6
Wstring content:[]
Wstring length:[0]
I am not sure why are you trying to return a copy of your struct, the code looks really weird. I would use a method returning nothing and then setting the flags works as expected:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
struct TestStruct{
std::string falg1;
std::wstring falg2;
void setFlag1(std::string str ) {
falg1 = str;
void setFlag2(std::wstring str ) {
falg2 = str;
int main(int argc,
char ** argv) {
TestStruct testStruct;
std::wcout << "string length:" << testStruct.falg1.size() << std::endl;
std::wcout << "Wstring content:" << '[' << testStruct.falg2 << ']' << std::endl;
std::wcout << "Wstring length:" << '[' << testStruct.falg2.size() << ']' << std::endl;
string length:6
Wstring content:[Wstring]
Wstring length:[7]
As @Acanogua and @UnholySheep pointed out, it is also possible to return references and then chain the function calls as you tried in your example:
struct TestStruct{
std::string falg1;
std::wstring falg2;
TestStruct& setFlag1(std::string str ) {
falg1 = str;
return *this;
TestStruct& setFlag2(std::wstring str ) {
falg2 = str;
return *this;
int main(int argc,
char ** argv) {
TestStruct testStruct;
std::wcout << "string length:" << testStruct.falg1.size() << std::endl;
std::wcout << "Wstring content:" << '[' << testStruct.falg2 << ']' << std::endl;
std::wcout << "Wstring length:" << '[' << testStruct.falg2.size() << ']' << std::endl;