I need to integrate a Sony TV and send commands to a control system but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to format the commands. Sony KD65X80K IP: Port:20060 https://pro-bravia.sony.net/develop/integrate/ssip/command-definitions/index.html Control 4 IP: Commands,
Edit Sony TV IP:, Control4 IP: I need to make a Json file for native room controls (zoomRoom). I need to control The Sony Bravia TV and Control4 (automation) system. How do I add this device to the Json file? Sony Bravia Commands: Power On, Power Off, Input 1, Input 2,
Control4 commands: I am using the TCP driver from drivercentral.io Generic TCP Command It uses http commands like ""
How would I write said commands? Zoom Documentation Zoom Rooms Native Room Controls
Edit I edited the Json to use the Sony Bravia Simple IP commands. I cannot find any example of HTTP Get requests working in zoom. For Sony Bravia you have to start the code with a *S and finish it with a \n For example, power on would be *SCPOWR0000000000000001\n
I also found a Zoom JSON configuration file maker. https://controlconcepts.net/zoom
Does anyone know if I can do HTTP GET requests?
"about": {
"app": "CCI Zoom Room Profile Maker",
"version": "v0.2.5",
"url": "https://controlconcepts.net/zoom/",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2022 17:57:25 GMT"
"adapters": [
"model": "GenericNetworkAdapter",
"ip": "tcp://",
"ports": [
"id": "tvLeft",
"name": "TV Left",
"methods": [
"id": "power",
"name": "Power",
"command": "*SCPOWR000000000000000%\n",
"params": [
"id": "on",
"name": "On",
"value": "1"
"id": "off",
"name": "Off",
"value": "0"
"type": "actions"
"id": "input",
"name": "Input",
"command": "*SCINPT000000010000000%\n",
"params": [
"id": "input1",
"name": "Input 1",
"value": "1"
"id": "input2",
"name": "Input 2",
"value": "2"
"type": "actions"
"styles": [],
"rules": {
"meeting_started": [],
"meeting_ended": [],
"microphone_muted": [],
"microphone_unmuted": [],
"video_started": [],
"video_stopped": [],
"operation_time_started": [],
"operation_time_ended": []
//end of JSON
I edited the Json to use the Sony Bravia Simple IP commands. I cannot find any example of HTTP Get requests working in zoom. For Sony Bravia you have to start the code with a *S and finish it with a \n For example, power on would be *SCPOWR0000000000000001\n
I also found a Zoom JSON configuration file maker. https://controlconcepts.net/zoom
Does anyone know if I can do HTTP GET requests?
"about": {
"app": "CCI Zoom Room Profile Maker",
"version": "v0.2.5",
"url": "https://controlconcepts.net/zoom/",
"created": "Mon, 22 Aug 2022 17:57:25 GMT"
"adapters": [
"model": "GenericNetworkAdapter",
"ip": "tcp://",
"ports": [
"id": "tvLeft",
"name": "TV Left",
"methods": [
"id": "power",
"name": "Power",
"command": "*SCPOWR000000000000000%\n",
"params": [
"id": "on",
"name": "On",
"value": "1"
"id": "off",
"name": "Off",
"value": "0"
"type": "actions"
"id": "input",
"name": "Input",
"command": "*SCINPT000000010000000%\n",
"params": [
"id": "input1",
"name": "Input 1",
"value": "1"
"id": "input2",
"name": "Input 2",
"value": "2"
"type": "actions"
"styles": [],
"rules": {
"meeting_started": [],
"meeting_ended": [],
"microphone_muted": [],
"microphone_unmuted": [],
"video_started": [],
"video_stopped": [],
"operation_time_started": [],
"operation_time_ended": []