Have tried different approaches to make the SSMs job working with SCP command with perl script. but the job is going into loop with out having a result. PS : The script is working fine with running from command prompt directly.
command used in the perl script:-
$Command = "scp -i D:\File1\RS2\DataFeed\Code\PrivateKey.ppk -s $InternalFile admin@sftp.world.com:$VendorName/$DestFileName";
system command used in perl
While running the command directly from windows cmd it is correctly placing file to the SFTP. but while running this perl script from ssms agent job it seems not working and the job is keep running without any results. Any possible leads to the actual errors will be much appreciated
Detailed Steps :
%_Debug% echo off
cd /d %0\..
pushd .
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem Localize environment
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
if exist DataFeed_Environment.cmd (
call DataFeed_Environment.cmd
) else (
echo DataFeed_Environment.cmd not found!!!
goto CmdUsage
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem Run perl package
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe DataFeedProd1.pl
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto ErrorExit
goto Exit
rem -----------------------------------------------------
rem Command Usage
rem -----------------------------------------------------
Echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
echo DataFeed.cmd
echo Wraps the call to DataFeed.pl,
echo mails log upon errors.
echo Usage:
echo DataFeed.cmd
echo ----------------------------------
rem endlocal
rem popd
rem exit 1
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem Error exit
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
echo DataFeedProd1.pl failed !!!
rem endlocal
rem popd
rem exit 1
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem Exit
rem -----------------------------------------------------------------
rem endlocal
rem popd
rem exit 0
sub CopyDataFeedFileToSftp{
my ($DataFeedFileInternal, $DataFeedVendorName,$DataFeedFileName) = @_;
my($RetValue) = 1;
$Command = "C:\\Users\\hprasu\\Downloads\\OpenSSH-Win64\\scp.exe -i D:\\File1\\RS2\\DataFeed\\Code\\PrivateKey.ppk -s $DataFeedFileInternal a_Tne\@nasftp\.egencia.com:$DataFeedVendorName/$DestFileName";
$RetVal = &CallSystem($Command);
if ($RetVal == 0) {
&ErrorExit("Unable to copy data feed file using SCP command:\n".$Command);
You should:
have full path to perl.exe and your perl script in job's command
escape all special characters in interpolated strings for Perl and
use full path for scp command since operating system don't know where scp.exe is located (until it in the $PATH):
check filesystem permissions for all files in the command and perl script. Job should has access those files.
So command would be
$Command = "full_path\\scp.exe -i D:\\File1\\RS2\\DataFeed\\Code\\PrivateKey.ppk -s $InternalFile admin\@sftp.world.com:$VendorName/$DestFileName";
Read this: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/perl-quoted-interpolated-and-escaped-strings/