I have two lists of dictionaries that I have pulled from an XML file using elementtree. Each list of dictionaries contains dozens of keys/values but for simplicity sake let's say it's similar to the below:
list1 = [{'id': '100', 'first_name': 'john'}, {'id': '101', 'first_name': 'joe'}]
list2 = [{'id': '100', 'last_name': 'doe'}, {'id': '101', 'last_name': 'bloggs'}]
I'm using Django to build a table with the data and want to put the first names (from list1) and last names (from list2) on the same row of the table where there's a match in the 'id' values, but I can't figure out how to do this.
If I wanted to list them in python I would use:
for v in list1:
for i in list2:
if i['id'] == v['id']:
But I can't figure out how to write this with django tags in the HTML template. Here's what I've tried (and variations thereof):
{% for v in list1 %}
{% for i in list2 %}
{% if {{v.id}} == {{i.id}} %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
You're using {{}}
within {%%}
Django's template engine really doesn't like that.
Write it like this:
{% for i in list2 %}
{% if v.id == i.id %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
You are comparing ID's. Is it a related object? Is it the same model?