
How I can select which main file I must build in flutter during a release of a desktop application?

In flutter a made a linux application. Is consumes an endoint that varies depending the environment I need to build for. For each environment I have a different main file:

During building for desktop application via:

During run I can provide via -t parameter for example for local development I run:

flutter run -t ./lib/main-dev.dart

But how on Chirst's sake I can do the same for buidling as well?


  • In you case you can build your application via:

    flutter ^device^ -t ^main_file^

    Where ^device^ are one of the following:

    And the ^main_file^ is the one you use during flutter run in your case you have theese commands to select from:

    environment file windows linux macos
    production main-prod.dart flutter build windows -t ./lib/main-prod.dart flutter build linux -t ./lib/main-prod.dart flutter build macos -t ./lib/main-prod.dart
    development main-dev.dart flutter build windows -t ./lib/main-dev.dart flutter build linux -t ./lib/main-dev.dart flutter build macos -t ./lib/main-dev.dart
    staging main-staging.dart flutter build windows -t ./lib/main-staging.dart flutter build linux -t ./lib/main-staging.dart flutter build macos -t ./lib/main-staging.dart