
Hide sensitive fields in Uber Zap go

Is there any way in which I can hide logging sensitive fields while using ubergo zap.

Will appreciate if somebody can show an example


  • You can make those fields custom type and implement Stringer interface for them printing ****. For example:

    type X string
    func (x X) String() string {
        return "***"
    func main() {
        x := X("aaaaa")
        log.Infow("msg", "x", x)

    will print msg {"x": "***"}.

    Or you can implement your own version of Encoder where you would filter fields by name or their type Interface in EncodeEntry(ent Entry, fields []Field) function. You can take one of the two existing encoders - console or json - as a base. For example:

    package main
    import (
    type MyEncoder struct {
    func (m *MyEncoder) EncodeEntry(entry zapcore.Entry, fields []zapcore.Field) (*buffer.Buffer, error) {
        filtered := make([]zapcore.Field, 0, len(fields))
        for _, field := range fields {
            if field.Key == "skip" || field.Type == zapcore.Int64Type {
            filtered = append(filtered, field)
        return m.Encoder.EncodeEntry(entry, filtered)
    func main() {
        _ = zap.RegisterEncoder("mine", func(config zapcore.EncoderConfig) (zapcore.Encoder, error) {
            encoder := zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(config)
            return &MyEncoder{encoder}, nil
        config := zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()
        config.Encoding = "mine"
        log, _ := config.Build()
        sugar := log.Sugar()
        sugar.Infow("Some message", "skip", "skipped", "notskip", "present", "alsoskipping", int64(1))

    This will print

    2022-08-24T13:25:54.368+0200    INFO    testl/main.go:33        Some message    {"notskip": "present"}