
How do I increase the size of the status bar on visual studio code?

The status bar shown on the bottom of VSCode is too small as it's hard for me to read vim commands that I'll be typing on there. I don't want to increase the font size of the editor nor the zoom since they're big enough for me.

Basically, I want to increase the size (font, icon, bar size, etc.) of the bottom status bar without changing the size of any other component of VSCode.

Is there a way to do that or an extension I can use to change it?


  • AFAIK there is no setting to adjust the height of the status bar.

    A common practice is to set the zoom level and decrease the editor and terminal font size, but this will also increase the activity bar icons and other areas.

    In your settings.json add

      "window.zoomLevel": 0.5,
      "editor.fontSize": 14,

    Adjust zoomLevel to your liking, by default is 0

    You should increment the value by the decimal, e.g. 0.1, 0.15 ...

    Or in your Settings Cmd + , search for window zoom level and change the value there.