i have made a graphic software with JavaScript and GJS with GNOME builder. The problem is that whenever I want to run the software, I have to enter the application ID in the terminal (e.g. org.example.app), which is inconvenient.
I changed the output
section in src/meson.build
file, but when i run it i get this error:
(exampleapp:2411): Gjs-WARNING **: 17:31:11.727: JS ERROR: ImportError: Unable to load file from: resource:///org/example/app/js/main.js (The resource at “/org/example/app/js/main.js” does not exist)
Can anyone help?
This is the expected executable name for a GJS application, per the Package Specification.
If you want to create an alias for it, you should probably just use a symbolic link (e.g. org.foo.Bar
=> foo-bar