
How to cancel the observable calls when exist an error in rxjs observable sequence that is requiring sequencial execution?

I have a sequial list of observables is requiring sequencial execution (these are in concat operator but I can remove in forkjoin), but when error is happening I need to stop the sequential results. How to abort the remaining observables when any observable is throwing error?

concat( // This could be any operator, the execution should be in requence
   // subscribed after first completes
   verificationWithError, // Cancel the fourth one because we have error in third observable
   // subscribed after second completes
   map((printOnlyTheGoodOnes) => {
     return printOnlyTheGoodOnes;
   catchError((_) => of('no more requests!!!'))
 // should log: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

sample in stackblitz


  • You are returning an observable inside an observable in the below two lines. Please change it to


    const error = throwError('This is an error!');
    const verificationWithError = of(error);


    const verificationWithError = throwError('This is an error!');

    Also to get the required output, we need to return EMPTY which completes the observable when there is an error!

    const verifyToken = rxjs.of(1, 2, 3);
    const verifyUser = rxjs.of(4, 5, 6);
    const checkRoles = rxjs.of(7, 8, 9);
    const verificationWithError = rxjs.throwError('This is an error!');
        // This could be any operator, the execution should be in requence
        // subscribed after first completes
        verificationWithError, // Cancel the fourth one because we have error in third observable
        // subscribed after second completes
        rxjs.map((printOnlyTheGoodOnes) => {
          return printOnlyTheGoodOnes;
        rxjs.catchError((_) => rxjs.EMPTY)
      // log: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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