I'm using flask-wtf with DecimalRangeField. I would like to set the range slider to a value from my database when I load the existing record into the form.
My form looks like:
downtime = DecimalRangeField(label='Outage/Downtime (hours)',
render_kw={"value": "0",
"max": "5",
"step": "0.5",
"style": "--min: 0; --max: 5; --val: 0"
Which renders a nice slider. The rendered HTML is:
<input id="downtime" max="5" name="downtime" step="0.5" style="--min: 0; --max: 5; --val: 0" type="range" value="0">
<label id="outage_slider_label">0</label>
I can use this and save the value to my database along with the rest of the form. However, when I load that record and try to have it show the slider value using some javascript it doesn't work.
I'm loading from the database in my 'get' route, like so:
form.downtime.data = change.downtime
print(f'downtime {form.downtime.data}')
for example if I saved 6 to my db, it does retrieve the correct value as evidenced by the print statement.
I then want to use some javascript to set the slider to the correct position and show this in the slider label. But when I do
let downtime_slider = document.getElementById('downtime')
It shows 0 not 6 (or whatever value comes from the db).
Why is this so?
I figured this out with some jinja2 magic.
I put modified my template:
<div class="ms-3">
{{ form.downtime.label(class="form-label") }}
{% if form.downtime.data %}
{% set downtime_value = form.downtime.data %}
{% else %}
{% set downtime_value = 0 %}
{% endif %}
<div class="hstack gap-2">
{{ form.downtime(class="range-slider", value=downtime_value) }}
<label id="outage_slider_label">{{ downtime_value }}</label>
Now when the page loads the slider sets to the correct position from what was in the database for the record. If there is no data (i.e. it is a new record) then the value is set to 0.
Happy days!