
Laravel - Translate Model public const Array

I have a model with a public const array in it for static values, ie:

class StudentStatus extends Model
public const STATUSES = [
    0  => 'Unknown', // Blank & Other entries
    1  => 'Active', // Activo
    2  => 'Cancelled', // Cancelado
    3  => 'Concluded', // Concluido

Until now, I would just translate the end value in a report or something to the desired language. However, I have hit a snag when trying to translate this in a select.


$statuses = StudentBursaryStatus::STATUSES; // gets the const and passes it to a view


{!! Form::select('status', [null=>__('Please select one').'...']+$statuses, null, ['class'=>'form-control kt-select2']) !!}

Trying to run __($statuses) expectedly fails ("Illegal offset type") because one is trying to translate an array. Trying to run __() on each value in the model also fails ("Constant expression contains invalid operations"), ie:

public const STATUSES = [
    0  => __('Unknown'), // Blank & Other entries
    1  => __('Active'), // Activo
    2  => __('Cancelled'), // Cancelado
    3  => __('Concluded'), // Concluido

Short of looping through the array in the controller to translate each value manually - is there a better method to do this?


  • You can't use functions to define values in pre-set variables. You could define them in constructor but then it's no a constant anymore.

    So I recommend to use function that creates translated array from constant

    public static function getStatusesTranslated()
        $translatedStatuses = [];
        foreach (self::STATUSES as $key => $status) {
            $translatedStatuses[$key] = __($status);
        return $translatedStatuses;


    $statuses = StudentBursaryStatus::getStatusesTranslated();