I want to put my email address on xaringan slide with blue color + underlined hyperlink: I also want to put a target website on the slide with a blue color hyperlink.
I tried something like the following for email.
E-mail: [aaa@yahoo.com]() \texttt{\href{mailto:aaa@yahoo.com}{\nolinkurl{aaa@yahoo.com}}
I also tried something like the following for webpage.
I want you to visit this funplace (url(http:\\bbb.com))
But both are not working.
Simply add these hrefs according to markdown syntax and wrap them with container class to style them as you need.
title: "Link in Xaringan"
output: xaringan::moon_reader
```{css, echo=FALSE}
.link-style1 a {
color: blue;
text-decoration: underline;
.link-style2 a {
color: blue;
# Adding Email and website link
E-mail: .link-style1[[example@gmail.com](mailto:example@gmail.com)]
Also visit this page .link-style2[[wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page)]