I am trying both panzoom library in projects. The panzoom is working perfectly but when I try to pause
or dispose
panzoom, it is not working. I have tried multiple approach to solve this but didn't find any working solution.
I have created a canvas then added panzoom to parent element. The panzoom working but pause or destroy not working.
<div id="editor">
<canvas id="canvas" />
import panzoom from "panzoom";
function setActive(toolId) {
const instance = panzoom(document.getElementById("editor"));
if (toolId === "choose-color") {
} else {
, .resume()
or .dispose()
are methods to be called on the one instance which is created by calling const instance = panzoom(element)
Since you're doing this inside setActive()
you're creating a new instance every time...
Here's a version using an action to initialize panzoom and pass instance
as a prop to the child component to make it available.
To temporarily disable the panning, I'd switch between pause/resume
import panzoom from 'panzoom'
import Toolbar from './Toolbar.svelte'
let instance
function initPanzoom(node) {
instance = panzoom(node)
<Toolbar {instance} />
<svg id="svelte" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 519 139">
<g use:initPanzoom>
svg {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
export let instance
<button on:click={() => instance.pause()}>pause</button>
<button on:click={() => instance.resume()}>resume</button>
<button on:click={() => instance.dispose()}>dispose</button>