
get the Days of persian Month in dayjs package

i write a function for getting days of month . i use dayjs and jalaliday for build this function .

My code:

import dayjs from "dayjs";
import jalaliday from 'jalaliday'

export function GetMonth(month =dayjs().month()){
    const year = dayjs().year();
    const FirstDayOfTheMonth= dayjs(new Date(year ,month,1)).calendar('jalali').day();
    let CurrentMonthCount =0 -FirstDayOfTheMonth;
    const DaysMatrix =new Array(5).fill([]).map(()=>{
        return new Array(7).fill(null).map(()=>{
                return dayjs(new Date(year,month,CurrentMonthCount)).calendar('jalali').locale('fa')
    return DaysMatrix; 

i use this function in my react component and, when i log this function it get's me english date like this :

my consol.table(GetMonth())

only the year is correct. how can i get persian date details.


  • try this Man :

    import dayjs from "dayjs";
    import jalaliday from 'jalaliday'
    export function GetMonth(month = dayjs().month()+1) {
        const year = dayjs().year();
        const FirstDayOfTheMonth = dayjs(new Date(year, month, 1)).day();
        let CurrentMonthCount = 0 - FirstDayOfTheMonth;
        const DaysMatrix = new Array(5).fill([]).map(() => {
            return new Array(7).fill(null).map(() => {
                return dayjs(new Date(year,month,CurrentMonthCount)).calendar('jalali').locale('fa').format('DD MMMM YYYY')
        return DaysMatrix