I am working on a datatable to create a user view and bring in permissionSetAssignments related to the user record page for each user by AssigneeId
I am able to get the table to populate as if there was data there with the correct assignments but the PermissionSet.Name field is appearing blank as if the data is there, but invisible from the query.
Controller, method in question: getPermissionSets
public class UserDataTableController {
public static List<User> getUsers(string str){
String name ='%'+str+'%';
return [SELECT Id, Name, Email, Username, ATTUID__c, FederationIdentifier FROM User
WHERE Name like :name LIMIT 20];
public static List<PermissionSetAssignment> getPermissionSets(String recordId){
return [SELECT Id, PermissionSetId, PermissionSet.Name, PermissionSet.ProfileId, PermissionSet.Profile.Name, AssigneeId, Assignee.Name
FROM PermissionSetAssignment WHERE AssigneeId = :recordId];
import {LightningElement, wire, track, api} from 'lwc';
// importing apex class methods
import getPermissionSets from '@salesforce/apex/UserDataTableController.getPermissionSets';
// datatable columns with row actions
const columns = [
label: 'Permission Set Name',
fieldName: 'PermissionSet.Name'
export default class GetPermSetDisplay extends LightningElement {
@track data;
@track columns = columns;
@api recordId;
// retrieving the data using wire service
@wire(getPermissionSets, {recordId: '$recordId'})
permissions(result) {
if (result.data) {
this.data = result.data;
this.error = undefined;
} else if (result.error) {
this.error = result.error;
this.data = undefined;
<lightning-card title="Permission Set Assignments">
<lightning-datatable data={data} columns={columns} key-field="Id">
Datatable displays simple fields directly accessible in the row of data you're passing it. It doesn't understand dots to go "up". You'll need to simplify, flatten the data
you could create helper wrapper class in apex, populate bunch of string etc. fields in that and return that
or do similar flattening in js as you process the wire's results
or consider rewriting the query. Maybe something like
select name
from permissionset
where id in (select permissionsetid
from PermissionSetAssignment
where assigneeid =...)