I've come across this error multiple times while using the HTTPX module. I believe I know what it means but I don't know how to solve it.
In the following example, I have an asynchronous function gather_players() that sends get requests to an API I'm using and then returns a list of all the players from a specified NBA team. Inside of teamRoster() I'm using asyncio.run() to initiate gather_players() and that's the line that produces this error: RuntimeError: The connection pool was closed while 6 HTTP requests/responses were still in-flight
async def gather_players(list_of_urlCodes):
async def get_json(client, link):
response = await client.get(BASE_URL + link)
return response.json()['league']['standard']['players']
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
tasks = []
for code in list_of_urlCodes:
link = f'/prod/v1/2022/teams/{code}/roster.json'
tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(get_json(client, link)))
list_of_people = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return list_of_people
def teamRoster(list_of_urlCodes: list) -> list:
list_of_personIds = asyncio.run(gather_players(list_of_urlCodes))
finalResult = []
for person in list_of_personIds:
personId = person['personId']
#listOfPLayers is a list of every NBA player that I got
#from a previous get request
for player in listOfPlayers:
if personId == player['personId']:
"playerName": f"{player['firstName']} {player['lastName']}",
"personId": player['personId'],
"jersey": player['jersey'],
"pos": player['pos'],
"heightMeters": player['heightMeters'],
"weightKilograms": player['weightKilograms'],
"dateOfBirthUTC": player['dateOfBirthUTC'],
"nbaDebutYear": player['nbaDebutYear'],
"country": player['country']
return finalResult
*Note: The teamRoster() function in my original script is actually a class method and I've also used the same technique with the asynchronous function to send multiple get request in an earlier part of my script.
I was able to finally find a solution to this problem. For some reason the context manager: async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client
fails to properly close the AsyncClient. A quick fix to this problem is closing it manually using: client.aclose()
async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
tasks = []
for code in list_of_urlCodes:
link = f'/prod/v1/2022/teams/{code}/roster.json'
tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(get_json(client, link)))
list_of_people = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return list_of_people
client = httpx.AsyncClient()
tasks = []
for code in list_of_urlCodes:
link = f'/prod/v1/2022/teams/{code}/roster.json'
tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(get_json(client, link)))
list_of_people = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
return list_of_people