Given a file, say t.gz
, that is zipped I want to be able to read this file's content line by line.
I've been able to read the contents using:
Source.fromInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(s))))
However, I'm looking for a way to process these files in a functional paradigm instead which has brought me to fs2.
If I unzip the file, I can do something like this:
import cats.effect._
import{Files, Path}
import fs2.{Stream, text, compression, io}
object Main extends IOApp.Simple {
def doThing(inPath: Path): Stream[IO, Unit] = {
.map(line => line)
val run = doThing(Path("t")).compile.drain
where we just go to the console in the end for simplicity.
If instead I leave it in the zipped format, I can't quite seem to find anywhere that shows how these operations would fit together to provide this as a Stream.
fs2 seems to have a compression object ( that seems it should do what is desired, but if it does haven't figured out how to integrate.
As such, the question is this: How do I read a zipped file into a stream to work with fs2 in a functional paradigm?
You probably want this:
object Main extends IOApp.Simple {
def doThing(inPath: Path): Stream[IO, Unit] = {
.map(line => line)
override final val run =