I have the bytes of a file saved in my Django database. I want users to be able to download this file.
My question is how do I convert bytes into an actual downloadable file. I know the file name, size, bytes, type and pretty much everything I need to know.
I just need to convert the bytes into a downloadable file. How do I do this?
I don't mind sending the file bytes over to the front-end so that JavaScript could make the file available to download. Does anyone know how to do this in JavaScript?
If you check Django documentation:
There is a class that is FileResponse
FileResponse(open_file, as_attachment=False, filename='', **kwargs)
FileResponse is a subclass of StreamingHttpResponse optimized for binary files.
it accepts file-like object like io.BytesIO but you have to seek() it before passing it to FileResponse.
FileResponse accepts any file-like object with binary content, for example a file open in binary mode like so:
from django.http import FileResponse
import io
buffer = io.BytesIO(file)
response = FileResponse(buffer, as_attachment=True, filename='filename.foo')