
LaTeX with overleaf editor - adding another line of text without it overlapping

I want to add another line of italic text below 'Surbiton high school'. When I add another line it just overlaps on top of what is there, instead of underneath my A-level description.

I am very new to all of this and am using a template to create my CV. Any help much appreciated!

I have included a screenshot of the CV

    % Resume in Latex
    % Author : Jake Gutierrez
    % Based off of:
    % License : MIT


%----------FONT OPTIONS----------
% sans-serif
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{FiraSans}
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{roboto}
% \usepackage[sfdefault]{noto-sans}
% \usepackage[default]{sourcesanspro}

% serif
% \usepackage{CormorantGaramond}
% \usepackage{charter}

\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields

% Adjust margins



% Sections formatting
}{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]

% Ensure that generate pdf is machine readable/ATS parsable

% Custom commands
    {#1 \vspace{-2pt}}

      \textbf{#1} & #2 \\
      \textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\

      \text{#1} & #2 \\

      \small#1 & #2 \\





\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}

%%%%%%  RESUME STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


      {The University of Sussex}{Brighton, UK}
      {Bachelor of Science in Economics - First Class Honours}{September 2018 -- June 2021}
          \item podcast
      {Surbiton High School}{London, UK}
      {A-level Qualifications in Economics A, Mathematics A, Physics C}{September 2014 -- June 2016}


  • Leave an empty line to start a new paragraph and then add whatever text you want (and \end{document} is missing again ...):

        % Resume in Latex
        % Author : Jake Gutierrez
        % Based off of:
        % License : MIT
    %----------FONT OPTIONS----------
    % sans-serif
    % \usepackage[sfdefault]{FiraSans}
    % \usepackage[sfdefault]{roboto}
    % \usepackage[sfdefault]{noto-sans}
    % \usepackage[default]{sourcesanspro}
    % serif
    % \usepackage{CormorantGaramond}
    % \usepackage{charter}
    \fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
    % Adjust margins
    % Sections formatting
    }{}{0em}{}[\color{black}\titlerule \vspace{-5pt}]
    % Ensure that generate pdf is machine readable/ATS parsable
    % Custom commands
        {#1 \vspace{-2pt}}
          \textbf{#1} & #2 \\
          \textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\
          \text{#1} & #2 \\
          \small#1 & #2 \\
    \newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
    %%%%%%  RESUME STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
          {The University of Sussex}{Brighton, UK}
          {Bachelor of Science in Economics - First Class Honours}{September 2018 -- June 2021}
              \item podcast
          {Surbiton High School}{London, UK}
          {A-level Qualifications in Economics A, Mathematics A, Physics C}{September 2014 -- June 2016}
          \textit{a new line}

    enter image description here