
Yeoman outputs warnings running a generator

I am implementing a Yeoman generator, it works but when I run it I am getting a lot of undesired warnings as shown in this image:

Undesired warnings running Yo generator

I created the most basics generator in Javascript, it only contains the package.json, the index.js in the generators/app folder and a folder named templates with a single HTML file inside.

In the image I use PowerShell but I have used Git Bash also to run the Yo command, I have tried in Windows 10 and 11, I tried Node 14.20.0 and 16.16.0 and the version of Yeoman is 4.3.0. I read several posts about the cause being the shelljs but that library gets installed with just the following dependencies:

  "name": "generator-diego",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "First Yo generator",
  "files": [
  "keywords": [
  "dependencies": {
    "yeoman-generator": "^1.0.0"

Here the code of my generator:

var Generator = require('yeoman-generator');

module.exports = class extends Generator {
  constructor(args, opts) {
    super(args, opts);

  async prompting() {
      this.answers = await this.prompt([
          type    : 'input',
          name    : 'appName',
          message : 'Your application name: ',
          when: !this.options.default

    writing() {
      if (this.options.default) {
        this.answers = { appName: 'auto-app' }; // Set a default answer, more can be added

            appName: this.answers.appName

Does anybody knows how to fix this issue?


  • These warnings appear due to the versions you are using for node and Yeoman-generator. Upgrading Yeoman-generator to the latest version should solve the problem. Also, it would be a good practice. That version is very old. I hope it helps.