I'm using fabric 1.16.5 to develop a client-side mod for minecraft, and I am trying to get the title of the open inventory (see example below).
In the example, the title is "Sell Items - 0" (with the emoji).
What I've tried:
-> Returns "Inventory"MinecraftClient.getInstance().player.inventory.getDisplayName()
-> Returns "Inventory"MinecraftClient.getInstance().player.inventory.getCustomName()
-> Returns nullBecause of the results, I'm guessing that inventory is returning the bottom inventory, the survival inventory. How can I get the custom inventory provided by the server (the top inventory).
All help is appreciated.
This can be achieved through Mixins.
More specifically, this can be achieved by Mixining into HandledScreens
's open(ScreenHandlerType<T>, MinecraftClient, int, Text)
First, create the mixin class and register it in your mod's mod.mixins.json
's client section.
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.HandledScreens;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
public class HandledScreensMixin {
Next, inject into the head of open(ScreenHandlerType<T>, MinecraftClient, int, Text)
@Inject(at = @At("HEAD"), method = "open")
private static <T extends ScreenHandler> void open(ScreenHandlerType<T> type, MinecraftClient client, int id, Text title, CallbackInfo ci) {
In order to obtain a String version of the title, you can use title.getString()
What you choose to do next depends on what your goal is.
For example, you could use a class with a getter and a setter so that you can access the value later.