
Mulesoft Attribute Returning Null sqs.message.receipt.handle

I apologize if this is a dumb question, but I couldn't find much documentation.

I have a Receive Messages component for receiving an SQS Message, and I'm attempting to retrieve an attribute value for a downstream operation.

If I retrieve an attribute such as ApproximateReceiveCount with #[attributes.SenderId] everything works as expected.

But, if I attempt to get sqs.message.receipt.handle with #[attributes.sqs.message.receipt.handle] it returns null. Running in debug, I can see that there is a value for sqs.message.receipt.handle

Is there something special I need to do with attributes that have multiple .? What would the term be for this type of attribute for further research?


  • If the dots are part of the key then try:

    #[ attributes["sqs.message.receipt.handle"] ]


    #[ attributes.`sqs.message.receipt.handle` ]