
How to log the result of "new URLSearchParams()"?

I am looking at this example on the google chrome docs.

I am trying to console.log the variable params

let url = new URL(''); // or construct from window.location

let params = new URLSearchParams(;

However, this is all I get:

getAll: Object {  }, has: Object {  }, set: Object {  }, sort: Object {  }, 
toString: Object {  }, entries: Object {  }, forEach: Object {  }, 
keys: Object {  }, values: Object {  } }

Like in the example, you can loop through the params variable and console.log each parameter, but not the variable params. Why can't it be logged and seen as an object?


  • You can use fromEntries

    let url = new URL(''); // or construct from window.location
    let params = new URLSearchParams(;
    console.log(Object.fromEntries(params)) // outputs {foo: '1', bar: '2'}