I have a Dockerfile
and want to embed one function user (bob
) which has same uid (7200720
) on the working VM
FROM docker.io/ubuntu:focal
RUN groupadd -g 2000 robots
RUN useradd -m -g 2000 -s /bin/bash -u 7200720 bob
USER bob
In docker, it works fine
$ docker build -t bob .
$ docker run bob id
uid=7200720(bob) gid=2000(robots) groups=2000(robots)
Now I try to migrate to podman
env (podman v4.1.1)
$ podman build -t bob .
STEP 4/5: RUN useradd -m -g 2000 -s /bin/bash -u 7200720 bob
useradd: warning: chown on `/home/bob' failed: Invalid argument
Successfully tagged localhost/bob:latest
$ podman run bob id
Error: OCI runtime error: runc: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: setup user: invalid argument
Are there anyway to make it working? (I do need big uid)
First prepare some directories
$ mkdir ~/containers
$ mkdir ~/src
$ emacs ~/src/Dockerfile
$ cat ~/src/Dockerfile
FROM docker.io/ubuntu:focal
RUN groupadd -g 2000 robots
RUN useradd -m -g 2000 -s /bin/bash -u 7200720 bob
USER bob
Build the container image
$ podman \
run \
--privileged \
--rm \
--uidmap=0:0:10000 \
--uidmap=65534:10000:1 \
--uidmap=7200720:10001:1 \
-v ~/src:/src:Z \
-v ~/containers:/var/lib/containers:Z \
quay.io/buildah/stable buildah bud -t img1 /src
STEP 1/4: FROM docker.io/ubuntu:focal
STEP 2/4: RUN groupadd -g 2000 robots
STEP 3/4: RUN useradd -m -g 2000 -s /bin/bash -u 7200720 bob
STEP 4/4: USER bob
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:b40ed86654e59e1012e1716d5384910f8c3bb58274b7b00fca564a53e9897ba3
Copying blob sha256:aa3803b76948004897e15aa972c246f69c925a79f2e391d7bccf16be7ec1eb30
Copying config sha256:1030dd7b71bb0c678dcdbae83e26ae896ff661297a8cc8f5743e139f4dcd0a72
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
--> 1030dd7b71b
Test the container image
$ podman \
run \
--privileged \
--rm \
--uidmap=0:0:10000 \
--uidmap=65534:10000:1 \
--uidmap=7200720:10001:1 \
-v ~/containers:/var/lib/containers:Z \
quay.io/podman/stable \
bash -c "podman run --rm localhost/img1 \
bash -c 'echo hello > /home/bob/file1 \
&& id \
&& ls -l /home/bob/file1'"
uid=7200720(bob) gid=2000(robots) groups=2000(robots)
-rw-r--r--. 1 bob robots 4 Sep 3 10:38 /home/bob/file1
maps over all of smaller UIDs in the container image. The range size 10000 was chosen rather arbitrarily.
I see noticed there are also a few users with a higher UID.
$ podman run --rm -ti docker.io/library/ubuntu:focal grep 65534 /etc/passwd
so I added an --uidmap for the UID 65534 too (--uidmap=65534:10000:1
maps over the UID needed for the user bob.
By adding the useradd option --no-log-init, it's possible to reduce the size of the container image from 2.41 GB to 75.2 MB. (I didn't use that option in the examples above).
See also