I am trying to play a video in exoplayer from a file located in storage.
At first I get the uri for specific file and store it in a string variable.
private var myURI: String? = null
private var getURI = registerForActivityResult(
) { uri ->
if (uri == null) {
requireActivity(), "Please pick a video",
} else {
Log.d(ContentValues.TAG, "URI is $uri")
//Store URI
myURI = uri.toString()
And further, I store the URI to the local SQLite database on the device.
I already have it's URI in local database so I don't want to use registerForActivityResult method again and don't want to choose video by Intent. This is how uri looks in string format in database.
This is the code to access uri from the database
val uri = URI("content://com.android.providers.media.documents/document/video%3A51407")
val videoUri = uri.toString()
I have tried to find a way to do so but can't find a way to implement this.
I store the URI to the local SQLite database on the device
That is not going to work as written. You need to switch from ActivityResultContracts.GetContent
to ActivityResultContracts.OpenDocument
. You also need to call takePersistableUriPermissions()
on a ContentResolver
once you get the Uri
. Otherwise, your rights to that content lapse once your process terminates.