
Inverting a function using sympy and evaluating the inverted function gives me a wrong answer

I am trying to invert a function and evaluate the inverted function. Basically, I have the equation:

y = 1 / f * ln(1+c*x) / x

where c and f are numerical constants. In python, I have the following code to find x as a function of y and evaluate x for y = 1.5:

import sympy as sp
import math

x, y_prime = sp.symbols("x y_prime", positive=True)
c = 10
f = math.log(1+c) - c/(1+c)
y = 1 / f * sp.log(1+c*x) / x
eqn = sp.Eq(y_prime, y)
sol_x = sp.solve(eqn, x, rational=False)[0]
print(sol_x.subs(y_prime, 1.5))

The output is get is x=0, which I know is wrong. Also, I tried this in Mathematica, where I got x = 1.120173048953996, which I know is correct because sticking in this value of x in the expression for y gives y = 1.5. I am wondering how I can get the correct answer in python. Any help is appreciated.


  • from sympy import *
    var("f, c, x, y")
    eq = Eq(y,  1 / f * log(1+c*x) / x)
    sol = solve(eq, x)
    # out: -LambertW(-f*y*exp(-f*y/c)/c)/(f*y) - 1/c

    As you can see, there is the Lambert W function, which has two branches:

    enter image description here

    The solution returned by SymPy is represented by the upper branch (the blue line on the plot). For this case, the lower (orange) branch is the correct one.

    So, let's modify the solution:

    mod_sol = sol[0].replace(lambda t: isinstance(t, LambertW), lambda t: LambertW(*t.args, -1))
    # out: -LambertW(-f*y*exp(-f*y/c)/c, -1)/(f*y) - 1/c

    Now we can evaluate it to find x:

    import math
    c_val = 10
    f_val = math.log(1+c_val) - c_val/(1+c_val)
    print(mod_sol.subs({f: f_val, c: c_val, y: 1.5}).n())
    # out: 1.120173048954

    EDIT to satisfy comment:

    I know what the end goal of the code sol[0].replace(lambda t: isinstance(t, LambertW), lambda t: LambertW(*t.args, -1)) is, but I'm struggling to understand how the code goes about to achieve that.

    replace is an "advanced" method that allows to perform pattern-matching operations. In this example, I passed to replace the following arguments:

    In the future, if I come across the LambertW function, how do I know which branch gives the correct solution?

    This was the first time I came across the Lambert W function. I looked at Wikipedia, saw the two branches, and I understood that there must be a limiting value somewhere. So I plotted sol[0] and mod_sol (see the chart below). As you can see, up to y ~ 6.5 the lower branch provides the correct results, after that the upper branch must be considered.

    enter image description here