I'm attempting to axiomatize a proof-irrelevant disjunction proposition with type elimination in Agda using the universe of proof-irrelevant propositions. However, when I attempt to define rewrite rules for the computation rules I get an error about a certain variable not being bound. For instance, taking a minimal example, the following code does not compile:
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting --prop #-}
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
module Disjunction where
private variable
α β : Prop
A : Set
_∨_ : (α : Prop) (β : Prop) → Prop
inl : α → α ∨ β
inr : β → α ∨ β
∨-rec : (a₁ : α → A) (a₂ : β → A) → ((x : α) (y : β) → a₁ x ≡ a₂ y) → α ∨ β → A
∨-rec-inl : {a₁ : α → A} {a₂ : β → A} {h : (x : α) (y : β) → a₁ x ≡ a₂ y} {x : α} → ∨-rec a₁ a₂ h (inl x) ≡ a₁ x
{-# REWRITE ∨-rec-inl #-}
and gives me the error
∨-rec-inl is not a legal rewrite rule, since the following variables are not bound by the left hand side: x
However, this error no longer occurs when I change α ∨ β
to be a type (i.e. a term of Set
) instead of a proof-irrelevant proposition. Why is this?
In order to apply the rewrite rule, Agda needs to infer the value of x
, i.e. it needs to match the fourth argument to the pattern inl x
. However, if this argument is made irrelevant, then it is not allowed for Agda to inspect it (since this would refute the irrelevance) hence Agda rejects the rule.