I have a pipe on a observable, the code is like below:
concatMap(() => this.security.getUser()),
tap((partyId) => {
if (!partyId) {
concatMap((partyId) => this.security.getType(partyId)),
tap(async (result) => {
if (result) {
this.loggingService.setUser(result.partyId, result.partyType, result.lendingType);
this.loggingService.setUser(partyId, 'null', 'null'); //In here how can I get partyId??
As you can see, In the last tap the result I am getting have partyId, because I am concatenating partyId which I am sending to the previous concatMap method which is concatMap((partyId) => this.security.getType(partyId))
, however, I also want partyId if the result is null as well, so my question is how can I access the partyId in the last concatMap which I am getting from first concatMap which is concatMap(() => this.security.getUser())
You can add another .pipe()
after your other call, so you end up with nested pipes:
concatMap(() => this.security.getUser()),
tap(partyId => {
if (!partyId) {
concatMap(partyId => this.security.getType(partyId).pipe(
tap(result => {
if (result) {
this.loggingService.setUser(result.partyId, result.partyType, result.lendingType);
} else {
this.loggingService.setUser(partyId, 'null', 'null');
This technique is explained in more detail in this answer.