I want to display the member count according to the member type. i'm using buddypress member type pro version
I was trying to retrieve count value of buddypress member type . This feature is not available with buddypress member type pro so write a function that will allow to get the count if you give it member type name. But I'm stucked to retrieve the value. I wrote a short code for that but that also not working. i'm attaching the declared function details and short code. Please help me on this.
function buddydev_get_user_count_by_member_type( $member_type ) {
$term = bp_get_term_by( 'slug', $member_type, bp_get_member_type_tax_name() );
if ( $term ) {
return $term->count;
return 0;
add_shortcode( 'mcount', ' buddydev_get_user_count_by_member_type' );
You have added space in the function name "buddydev_get_user_count_by_member_type" that's why it is not working just remove the space and it will work.
function buddydev_get_user_count_by_member_type( $member_type ) {
$term = bp_get_term_by( 'slug', $member_type, bp_get_member_type_tax_name() );
if ( $term ) {
return $term->count;
return 0;
add_shortcode( 'mcount', 'buddydev_get_user_count_by_member_type' );