I'm using Laravel 5.8 and I tried creating a custom command like this:
php artisan make:command app exportappresults
And the Command goes like this:
protected $signature = 'app:exportappresults';
protected $description = 'Export App Exam Result Into Excel';
public function __construct()
public function handle()
return Excel::download(new TavanmandAppUserExamExport,'userexamlist.xlsx');
So as you can see I have used Laravel Excel and tried exporting data into Excel file.
Note that this code works fine in the Controller and can properly export an Excel file.
But now I don't know where does the exported excel file from the DB goes when I use the Console Command.
So if you know, please let me know...
is used in HTTP controllers, to pass exported data to HTTP response. If you need to store file on disk, use Excel::store
public function handle()
Excel::store(new TavanmandAppUserExamExport, 'userexamlist.xlsx');
File will be stored in default storage (disk), configured in laravel's config/filesystems.php
, by default it's ./storage/app
Also you may specify another disk as third argument of Excel::store
method, see Storing exports on disk