There is a roll
function in Numpy. But ndarray docs don't mention anything similar.
I am trying to "roll" my array by an integer. For example
let ar = arr2(&[[1.,2.,3.], [7., 8., 9.]]);
calling numpy roll(ar, 1)
would produce the desired result:
[[3.,1., 2.],
[9., 7., 8.]]
Is there an alternative for ndarray in rust or a workaround?
Update: Found this old open thread, not sure if any more up to date solution has been implemented:
Ndarray documentation provides an example:
However, it did not give expected result. I ammended it slightly:
/// Shifts 2D array by {int} to the right
/// Creates a new Array2 (cloning)
fn shift_right_by(by: usize, a: &Array2<f64>) -> Array2<f64> {
// if shift_by is > than number of columns
let x: isize = (by % a.len_of(Axis(1))) as isize;
// if shift by 0 simply return the original
if x == 0 {
return a.clone();
// create an uninitialized array
let mut b = Array2::uninit(a.dim());
// x first columns in b are two last in a
// rest of columns in b are the initial columns in a
a.slice(s![.., -x..]).assign_to(b.slice_mut(s![.., ..x]));
a.slice(s![.., ..-x]).assign_to(b.slice_mut(s![.., x..]));
// Now we can promise that `b` is safe to use with all operations
unsafe { b.assume_init() }