
How to scale images from ppt handout files with aspect ratio?

I need to get image ScaleWidth scaling factor and set ScaleHeight the same.

How do I get the image's height or width scaling factor?

Normally code such as this would scale with lock aspect ratio, but every time I produce a handout in PowerPoint I get very small images.

I use a macro to resize the picture, but these handout generated images do not scale with "lock aspect ratio" even if I use .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue.

I want to scale the height myself.
After I scale the width to 18.46 cm, I want to get the ScaleWidth, and set the ScaleHeight to the same number.
Ex. If ScaleWidth ends up being 145 %, then get this number and set ScaleHeight the same.

I am not able to find a solution to get ScaleHeigth, and the guide to get Height pixel/inches is not something I am able to execute in my doc.

Sub Resize_All_Images()
' Resize all pictures to that corresponding size
With ActiveDocument
    For I = 1 To .InlineShapes.Count
        With .InlineShapes(I)
            'the width that it will resize to'
            .Width = CentimetersToPoints(18.46)
        End With
    Next I
End With
End Sub


  • Try this:

    Sub Resize_All_Images()
        ' Resize all pictures to that corresponding size
        Dim NewWidth As Long: NewWidth = CentimetersToPoints(18.46)
        Dim ils As InlineShape
        With ActiveDocument
            For Each ils In .InlineShapes
                With ils
                    'the width that it will resize to'
                    .Height = (.Height / .Width) * NewWidth
                    .Width = NewWidth
                    .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
                End With
            Next ils
        End With
    End Sub